“The eighth wonder of the world!” is the label given to the Pitch Lake in La Brea, south west Trinidad. This is because it is the largest commercial deposit of natural asphalt, or tar, in the world holding approximately 10 million tonnes. Pitch from this 100 acre lake is used to pave streets all over the world. A visitor can encounter what seems to be a living scene, as the lakes hisses and bubbles as they walk across a unique turf. Interestingly, during the rainy season, pools of warm water form where visitors can bathe and are encouraged to do so as the water is believed to have curing and healing properties for skin and joints and is found to be therapeutic as it contains high levels of sulphur. In the lake are also remnants of history as the possessions of the indigenous people and remains of prehistoric creatures have been found. The Pitch Lake is considered strange and mysterious but also a black beauty.